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Training the Deutsch Kurzhaar for the field work

Date Added: September 01, 2009 01:02:55 PM
Author: Kurzhaar-Directory
Category: Training
Training the Deutsch Kurzhaar for the field work

The field working tests are very important for the Deutsch Kurzhaar
as this is a hunting dog breed for field birds. 

This kind of training starts at a young age, many trainers starting to take the puppy to the field from the age of 4 months. 
This is done in order to make the puppy acquainted with the field and its smells from a young age. It’s also good for teaching the puppy from a young age how to search the field. 

For teaching the puppy the field work it is necessary to have a field rich in game and to take the puppy out in the field accompanied by an experienced dog who knows how to search the field.

For starters the youngster must achieve a good physical shape in order to be able to work very well no matter the weather condition: heat, cold, rain or wind. In the field the young dog must learn how to search well, covering a wide surface of land without leaving unsearched places. 
The field surface must be searched entirely. He must also learn to point steadily the field birds and to flush the bird on command. The dog is trained to work with pheasants, partridges and quails.

The field work of the Deutsch Kurzhaar is important for both practical hunting and working tests.


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